Wednesday, April 16, 2008

#4 - Thoughts on Web 2.0 since 2006

Web 2.0 evangelists explain that Web 2.0 is about a richer more interactive user experience. Supporting collaboration among members of a group stands out as a defining characteristic.

Newer technologies supporting Web 2.0:

Special note about the relationship between Web 2.0, IT, and distribution of power/organizational reform (from
"And this is a key point, since McAfee also noted on the panel that worries over inappropriate use of Enterprise 2.0 tools in the workplace is still a major concern by business leaders. It’s that by transforming how an organization thinks about governance by moving it from less central control to more peer control: The business can actually reduce risk overall since public platforms for collaboration allow all employees to see the organization-wide activity of the internal blogosphere and wikisphere, spot inappropriate behavior, and nip it in the bud instead of letting it happen undetected and unaddressed."

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